Touch or point your cursor at one of the pics below to learn a bit more about me...
I grew up in Duluth, Minnesota, and then attended college and law school in the Twin Cities.
I came to Chicago in 2012 for a job at a non-profit.
I did a mix of legal and consulting work, working with stakeholders across the country. You can download my resume if you want to know more about that. That job was very fulfilling, and I had planned on devoting my career to that type of work. That was until I started coding...
In the beginning, I didn't plan on becoming a developer. I just wanted to make my own apps. I thought to myself, "I've unclogged sinks and replaced brake pads with Google searches and Youtube videos. How hard can it be to make an app?"
Without any clear plans in mind, I started coding and quickly fell in love with it. I had already enjoyed creative writing, but developing software expressed a new form of creativity for me. I ended up spending countless hours alone in front of the computer after my wife went to bed.
Now, I'm at Dev Bootcamp, weaving together the strands of programming knowledge I've gathered independently, and finalizing my transition into the tech industry.
While Dev Bootcamp's curriculum is focused on Ruby on Rails, I have also studied JavaScript development frameworks. Since it is already the most wide spread language of the web, I hope to benefit from the unique role it will play in an increasingly interconnected world.
Also, I am still moving towards my initial goal of making cool apps for my phone, so I study Android and Java in my "spare time". Follow me on Twitter or at one of the social links below if you want to hear when I make something cool.
When I'm not preparing for my next job in the tech industry, I'm playing with my wife and newborn baby!