Here you can find a collection of blog posts about what I am learning at Dev Bootcamp as well as some of the other things I am learning and experimenting with along the way.
Eighth Blog Post
Securing the Internet of Things
What new security challenges will arise with the internet of things.
Seventh Blog Post
JavaScript vs Ruby
Some reasons why JavaScript is cool.
Sixth Blog Post
Rappers: A Silly Analogy for Understanding Ruby Classes
Introducing Ruby Classes.
Fifth Blog Post
Map, the Number One Enumerable Method
A primer on how to use the
method. -
Fourth Blog Post
Diversity in Tech
How I hope to support diversity in tech.
Third Blog Post
Arrays and Hashes
Some brief comments on hashes and arrays.
Second Blog Post
Margins, Borders, and Padding as Applied to Burgers
Discussing how Margins, Borders, and Padding operate in HTML and hamburgers.
First Blog Post
Git Review and Reflections
My first blog post, reflecting on what I've learned at Dev Bootcamp. The earliest lesson focus on git and github. I have been using these tools for a year or two now, but DBC's lessons offered a welcome refresher.
PS: If you have any bring ideas for what I should include on this site, please send me a note through email, or through any of the social links listed below